
class MySQLCursor(stmt: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)

MySQL cursor used to iterate over rows in the result and extract fields as typed variables.

Intended to be used through MySQLNativeDriver along with a mapper that converts the complete result into some collection.



CPointer to a MYSQL_STMT that has been executed and has no errors


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constructor(stmt: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>)


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fun clear()

Clears the internal Arena used holding references to memory allocated in C-interoperability.

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open fun getBoolean(index: Int): Boolean?

Converts the buffer for provided column index to a Boolean?

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open fun getBytes(index: Int): ByteArray?

Converts the buffer for provided column index to a ByteArray?

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fun getDate(index: Int): <Error class: unknown class>?

Converts the buffer for provided column index to a kotlinx.datetime.LocalDate?

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fun getDateTime(index: Int): <Error class: unknown class>?

Converts the buffer for provided column index to a kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime?

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open fun getDouble(index: Int): Double?

Converts the buffer for provided column index to a Double?

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fun getDuration(index: Int): <Error class: unknown class>?

Converts the buffer for provided column index to a kotlin.time.Duration?

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open fun getLong(index: Int): Long?

Converts the buffer for provided column index to a Long?

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open fun getString(index: Int): String?

Converts the buffer for provided column index to a String?

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open fun next(): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean>

Move the cursor to the next row